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UOInside out lets you see everything contained inside Ultima Online (all files associated with)
Total Articles: 3
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Ultima Inside Out Is Dead
Tuesday, Jan 29, 2002, at 12:39 PM
Filed Under UO-INSIDE-OUT.   -Guid-
UIODev sent me the following:
"Ultima Inside Out is indeed down and out. The lead dev gone missing, no other dev knowing what has been changed or what hasn't, the project was doomed to fail. Since it had no update from Sky in over 2 weeks and no one has seen or heard from him during this period, it was decided that UIO needed to be sorted out. UIODev is now Ultima Information Oracle Development. Focusing like yourself on current emulator news instead of being an actual emulator. We hope to bring some form of stability back into the emu scene."
Also this note about LUPUS:
"Lupus is no longer the Official Scripting Tool for UIO. Since the Emu has gone it seems daft to still keep the association with UIO. Now simple called Lupus: Scripting Tool, it's being made to offer support to WolfPack, Lone Wolf and Nox Wizard script formats (all work in progress). As such the new site page is"
I will be removing UO Inside Out from off the emulator list and adding the link elsewhere on the SA.
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Welcome to Ultima Intelligence Oracle Development?
Tuesday, Jan 29, 2002, at 06:48 AM
Filed Under UO-INSIDE-OUT.   -Guid-
UO Inside Out has been down for nearly a week. Today they are back up, but now they are the "Ulltima Intelligence Oracle Development"? So UO Inside Out is no longer an emulator and now it's just an EMU news site? If anyone knows, email me. If not, I'm taking the EMU off the list by this Friday.
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UO-Inside Out
Thursday, Jan 10, 2002, at 06:44 AM
Filed Under UO-INSIDE-OUT.   -Guid-
The Smithys Anvil would like to welcome UO-Inside Out to the UO Emulator scene. Its been around for a few weeks now. Their site looks good and news concerning them will now be posted on the Smithys Anvil.

Taken from the UO-Inside Out web site:

"UIO is an emu based from the LoneWolf 12.6.3 build which is itself based from Wolfpack 12.6 Release source. The two other teams have done magnificent work with the code base, and i am finnaly able to merge UWE source into it. The goal of this emulator is to kill bugs while attempting to make this a very user friendly emulator. The scripting language is very very simple to use by beginers, yet powerful enough for advanced users to change what they want. The language itself is based off of the BASIC computer language with several differences to add power to it. Peralia will be the premier official shard of UIO while Dark Star will be running the latest source as it is compiled. The team consists of fellow Ultima Online lovers that have been involved with and have a working knowlage of UO and how it functions. I am very proud to have a team such as this backing me up. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to post them upon our message boards, they will be frequently checked by myself and the other members of the team. With that said, Welcome to UIO!

You can find us on IRC. #UIO"
The latest release of UO-Inside Out is as follows:

UIO 1.0 alpha:

  • Added: DragonAI (Ripper)
  • Added: BankerAI (Ripper)
  • Added: ThiefAI (Skyfire)
  • Added: SmartNPCAI (Skyfire)
  • Fixed: vendor items not stacking properly (Skyfire/Fraz)
  • Fixed: Poisoning now works on items (Skyfire)
  • Fixed: The poison damage is now correct, and you can die from Poison again (Skyfire)
  • Fixed: Your item now appears in your pack if you can not equip it (Skyfire)
  • Modified: put Speech in a class.(Ripper)
  • Modified: Moved startgold from server.scp to newbie.scp, add GOLD # to the default section. he # = the amount of starting gold. (Ripper)
  • Added: More commands to PlayerVendors: say vendor plus browse,view,look to open the backpack. buy,purchase to buy an item. collect,gold,get to collect the gold. Say packup to redeed the vendor (note: with packup make sure you take all items off vendor before using, all items will be gone). (Ripper)
  • Fixed: 'makegm and 'makecns should work correctly. (Ripper)
  • Fixed: When unmounting pet it stay in place. (Ripper)
  • Fixed: Boats will work again. (Skyfire/Xan)
  • Added: Vendors will now make a check for you if your sell amount is greater then 2000 gold. (Skyfire)
  • Fixed: exploit regarding secure lockdowns in houses. (LB) (houseownsers can't move them anymore, they have to unlock them before)
  • Fixed: (hopefully) some cases of pseudo item-loss. (LB) (items disappearing but re-apearing after new login)
  • Fixed: skiTarg.cpp:1382 invalid char index (Duke)
  • Fixed: EV/BS now attack the *second* nearest beeing. The nearest is the EV/BS itself :-/ (Duke)
  • Fixed: If players logged out they have been visible to other players until they "walked away".
  • Also note that for a short time (well until it is fixed) there is ALWAYS and anywhere insta-logout (LB)
  • Fixed: Fighting thru floors in houses and performance boost. (Fraz)
  • ettins will noit be casting magic no more. (Dragon Slayer - Scripts)
  • set all the stats on monsters to osi. (Dragon Slayer - Scripts)
  • set all loot on monsters to be like osi. (Dragon Slayer - Scripts)
  • Fixed some more unnamed items gave them a name so we dont get the 11 bug again. (Dragon Slayer - Scripts)
  • Added: Merged in the LOS Source from LoneWolf (Skyfire/Thanks to Duke and LB)
Tue, Jan 29, 2002:
Ultima Inside Out Is Dead
Welcome to Ultima Intelligence Oracle Development?
Thu, Jan 10, 2002:
UO-Inside Out
UO-Inside Out
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  · INSIDE-UO. (2)
  · IRIS (6)
  · JEDIMAN. (5)
  · KAIRTECH. (4)
  · LIQUIDIZE. (1)
  · LONE-WOLF. (55)
  · LUPUS. (2)
  · METHOD. (6)
  · MODIFY-UO. (2)
  · MY BALLS. (2)
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  · SLYCK NEWS. (3)
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  · Steam Engine (9)
  · TUPI. (1)
  · UAS. (32)
  · UO-FREE. (4)
  · UO-GATEWAY. (34)
  · UO-INSIDE-OUT. (3)
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  · UOBUILD. (1)
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  · UOP. (2)
  · UOX-CLASSIC. (40)
  · UOX3-EvilDeD. (43)
  · UOX3.ORG (11)
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  · UOXC:NS (29)
  · UOXDEV - UOX3js. (43)
  · UOXNG. (1)
  · UOXPARK. (16)
  · USE-EMU. (1)
  · USEUO. (5)
  · WEAZY. (4)
  · WOLFPACK. (33)
  · WOLFPAW. (4)
  · WORLD-MAKER. (11)
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