PLEASE NOTE: If you have reached this page from an outside source such as an Internet Search or forum referral, please note that this page (the one you just landed on) is an archive containing articles on "UO-FREE." from a Blogger named Infymus. This website, INFYMUS.COM - is a blog belonging to INFYMUS. Click "MAIN" on the Main Menu to see current blogs.
An Emulator written in Visual Basic. Total Dead. Production stopped.
Total Articles: 4
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UO-Free Removed From SA
Tuesday, Feb 19, 2002, at 06:30 AM
Filed Under UO-FREE.   -Guid-
The UO-FREE [Ultima-Online] Project has been removed from the Smithys Anvil. The website has been dead for almost two weeks now. What is left of the Emulator has become NEarth.

You can visit their site here:
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UO-Free ... Update?
Wednesday, Jan 30, 2002, at 06:55 AM
Filed Under UO-FREE.   -Guid-
UOX is not the only Emulator with criticism and shit talking. UO-Free continues to be attacked as to why they have not made a release yet. If you remember correctly, UO-Free is a new emulator to be written in VB.

In a fuck-you, fuck-off debate going on over on the UOFree Forums, the following tidbit has come out from the admins concerning progress on the new Emulator:
A little overview of what we have:
  • We connect -> that was hard ... ouuuuuuuuu
  • we walk
  • we move object
  • we have the containers done
  • we talk
  • we trade
If the Admins of UO-Free are reading the SA then I ask you to send me in a tidbit. Let the community know what you have accomplished so far.
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More Shit Talk - Less Coding
Monday, Jan 21, 2002, at 06:43 AM
Filed Under UO-FREE.   -Guid-
A new UO Emulator is being developed - again in Visual Basic. Of course, it's mostly rumors. Posted on UO-FREE Forums, one of the developers of the new EMU stated, "You stole their coding [Uo-Genius] Now me and a friend have made an emulator in VB that is almost done, basicly blowing yours away. We have it so you can goto illeshar threw moongates (threw two maps), NPC's done, ITEMS done, Gump scripting done, and now we are creating a UO Client in VB. You have along way to go sence i haven't seen one damn thing yall have done. Dont put down other emulators when yours is just as bad."

Out of all the new emulators in VB promised last November, none of shown any progress, just shit talk. UO-FREE Development responded with the following, "haha we stole their code ... funny we did all the coding ... if you look at the source they had, all the function were all created by: Christheavatar, Zar and Mib... none by the other moron who pretend to be programmer. On the other hand, we have a server with speech, items, and other that we want to keep as surprise for now."

So the mud slinging goes on, but one tid-bit was left by Nick, "What's the problem with taking our time to make everything working properly ... without bugs? Don't worry... Inside 2 week you will have one of the best surprise of your life."

So there is a chance (however slight) that UO-FREE may be released within a few weeks? Who knows.

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UO-Free Where Are You?
Friday, Jan 11, 2002, at 06:55 AM
Filed Under UO-FREE.   -Guid-
UO-Free and UO-Genius have both been around for a couple of months now. Currently UO-Genius is offline and I'm waiting to hear back from Chaos to see if they will return. At this point Chaos is in the process of moving Legions Of Chaos to a new server in Wyoming. Yesterday, Chaos posted the following "Hi there, just to let anyone who cares know...the LoC server (webserver, email server, and DB server) is on its way to Wyoming to be colocated on dual T1 lines. It will be back up sometime either on the weekend, or next week."

Meanwhile, UO-Genius is off the air and UO-Free has had no updates in over a month, except to say "[UO-Genius] Is anyone surprised? Probably not. The doomed-to-fail project is now offline" and a few comments from their members like "Who cares anyway ... they suck" and what not.

If you remember, the big stink was that new Ultima Online Emulator was proposed and it was to be written in Visual Basic. Yep, that's right, VB, that bane of all IDEs. UO-Genius started first but after the development crew got together, it seemed that nobody could get along. If you recall, posted on UO-Genius site, "If anyone has any ideas about "sabotaging" this project, you can try all you want. That's all just bull-shit to me. I dont care about power-struggles and melodramatic soap-opera relationships. We here are programmers..and nothing can stop us now." Later it was posted on the UO-Genius site that, "It seems the inevitable has happened. Some of our "team" had to be dropped. This is due to stubborn attitudes, unwillingness to promote uniformity, and a pig-headed melodramatic display of jealousy and the need for trivial power."

At the time, UO-Free was starting up and they sent me the following, "Lies, Lies, and more lies! We were the ones that rebelled against power, none of us wanted it we want to learn and that's it. There idea of promoting uniformity draws a strong resemblance of nazi Germany in the 40's. There was no jealousy just nemsys and his scare tactic attitude of "do as I say or your out" and his order giver Dr.Who?(frankenstien) that was never online but claims to have been doing all the work and bossing everyone around through nemesys. Come on man stand on your own two feet, act like you gotta a pair."

What this Author wants to know now that the mud slinging is over, is where in the hell do you sit UO-Free? In the last month, two new emulators (Lone Wolf and UO-Inside-Out) have both released new versions with numerous enhancements and bug fixes. UO-Free has released nothing. The last news update on the site was December 14th, within the exception of the "Good Riddance" topic.

You see, the shit that blew UOXDEV apart is the same shit here. Everybody has different ideas and nobody can seem to get along. And so they branch off and make their own emulators. Why do you think we got AUOX, WolfPack, LoneWolf, Sphere, etc... Since UOX was first developed in 1997, the story has been the same.

So UO-Free gives us an update. Of course, you have 6 more months with no posts to go to catch up with POL, a site that hasn't been updated since June 2001.

Quit bickering and start producing.
Tue, Feb 19, 2002:
UO-Free Removed From SA
Wed, Jan 30, 2002:
UO-Free ... Update?
Mon, Jan 21, 2002:
More Shit Talk - Less Coding
Fri, Jan 11, 2002:
UO-Free Where Are You?
UO-Free Where Are You?
  · AC-DOME. (14)
  · ACMAPPY. (1)
  · ACSERVER. (4)
  · ACeXP. (8)
  · ASTONIA. (1)
  · ATUM. (2)
  · AXIS. (16)
  · BASEWORLD. (2)
  · BIG-BROTHER. (9)
  · COADSERVER. (21)
  · COXDEV. (5)
  · DARK AGES. (6)
  · DAWN OF LIGHT. (16)
  · DFN-WARRIOR. (3)
  · EPSILON. (31)
  · EQEMU. (74)
  · EQWINDOW. (6)
  · EVERQUEST. (5)
  · FUNGWAN. (1)
  · FUSE. (3)
  · GMTOOLS. (1)
  · HORIZONS. (1)
  · HYBRID. (23)
  · IGNITION. (9)
  · IMPRINT. (5)
  · INSIDE-UO. (2)
  · IRIS (6)
  · JEDIMAN. (5)
  · KAIRTECH. (4)
  · LIQUIDIZE. (1)
  · LONE-WOLF. (55)
  · LUPUS. (2)
  · METHOD. (6)
  · MODIFY-UO. (2)
  · MY BALLS. (2)
  · NOX-WIZARD. (40)
  · ORBSYDIA. (14)
  · ORE. (1)
  · PAIGELORE. (6)
  · PANDORAS BOX. (20)
  · POSR. (6)
  · RAZOR. (5)
  · RUNUO. (58)
  · RYANDOR. (29)
  · SHIT. (1)
  · SHOW-EQ. (32)
  · SLYCK NEWS. (3)
  · SPHERE. (34)
  · Steam Engine (9)
  · TUPI. (1)
  · UAS. (32)
  · UO-FREE. (4)
  · UO-GATEWAY. (34)
  · UO-INSIDE-OUT. (3)
  · UO-RICE. (3)
  · UOBUILD. (1)
  · UOGENIUS. (4)
  · UOP. (2)
  · UOX-CLASSIC. (40)
  · UOX3-EvilDeD. (43)
  · UOX3.ORG (11)
  · UOXBOX. (31)
  · UOXC:NS (29)
  · UOXDEV - UOX3js. (43)
  · UOXNG. (1)
  · UOXPARK. (16)
  · USE-EMU. (1)
  · USEUO. (5)
  · WEAZY. (4)
  · WOLFPACK. (33)
  · WOLFPAW. (4)
  · WORLD-MAKER. (11)
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