PLEASE NOTE: If you have reached this page from an outside source such as an Internet Search or forum referral, please note that this page (the one you just landed on) is an archive containing articles on "PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL." from a Blogger named Infymus. This website, INFYMUS.COM - is a blog belonging to INFYMUS. Click "MAIN" on the Main Menu to see current blogs.
An emulator built from the ground up. Most emulators were based on UOX code. This one was not. One of the most stable Ultima Online Emulators out there.
Total Articles: 18
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POL Distro Service Pack 2 Released
Monday, Mar 1, 2004, at 07:07 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
From Penultima Online:
The second 095 distro service pack has been released and is available from the downloads section. Use it, enjoy it, let me know what's wrong with it.
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Penultima Online Core 095 Released
Monday, Jul 7, 2003, at 05:58 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
POL Version 095 has been released:
After an exceedingly long development cycle, we've released POL version 095. At over 1400 lines, the changelog is too long to list here (full changes included with the server), but everyone who has used it says it is faster, leaner, and more reliable, with a ton of really nice documentation. We have a new website at where you can download it, and new php forums are hosted there too.
From POL's new Official Site:
POL core 095 is out! The distro team has also released updated scripts.

All of the following are available in the "Downloads" section of

Windows binaries: Distribution scripts:
Windows binaries + distribution scripts: Linux binaries: Racalac has put together a documentation website:

There are quite a few changes you will have to make to your scripts and configuration files in order to use version 95. Please read upgrade-notes-095.txt for notes on what you have to do.

At 1481 lines, this release has the longest changelog ever. Here are some highlights:
  • Unicode speech support
  • significant speed improvements
  • Better memory usage
  • Many crash / exception / exploit fixes
  • Linux multithread issues resolved
  • Support for 4.0 clients
In a major departure from previous releases, I'm not the only one doing core coding. Racalac and Myrathi have been helping out with core development for the last year or so.

Also, due to changes in source control (death to VSS! Long live CVS!) we'll be able to make maintenance patches for version 95 while we develop version 96.

Roadmap for version 96:
  • Native map files. POL won't use map0.mul, statics0.mul etc.
  • Incremental saves
  • Custom packet hooks
  • Pathfinding
Penultima Online.
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POL Service Pack - Website Update
Monday, Mar 17, 2003, at 06:15 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
This is an older update however the "official" POL website has been updated:
The fourth service pack has been released, and it's a doozy. It'll be tough to integrate into a shard that has had a lot of changes made from the distro scripts, but hopefully you'll find it's worth it. There is a link in the Files section, and the changelog is on sourceforge.
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Service Pack 4 Released
Tuesday, Mar 11, 2003, at 06:28 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
From POL Development Board:
Just in case you weren't notified there is a new service pack out for POL 94. Here is the link for it if you need it :

Be warned that if you have customized your distro scripts or the itemdesc or the npcdesc files (as if most of us haven't )you have some major work ahead of you to implement it. Best read the readme file and the changes doc first so you know where you may have problems.

Have fun. I know I wil. Yukiko
POL Development Board:
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POL Server Status Utility
Monday, Mar 10, 2003, at 06:34 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
From the POL forums:
In case anyone is interested, here's a little PHP script that works with a POL www script and allows you to display server status and online characters in a standard web server. It requires PHP running on your web server, however.
POL Forums:
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POL Updates
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2002, at 06:40 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
Posted on the POL website:
Ron (our gracious web-board host) has moved the Web-boards to a new and, quite noticably, faster server! As always, click the BOARDS image-link, the "Script Forum" link or the links on the Links page to visit them.
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POL: NEW Web-boards available
Monday, Sep 23, 2002, at 06:31 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
The following was posted on the POL Website:
Thanks to Racalac and Ron (aka Thomas Hundhammer), the POL forums are now being hosted on a new server! Click the BOARDS image-link, the "Script Forum" link or the links on the Links page to use them (the old forums, however, could not be transferred across, so see the "old" links to browse the posts -- sorry!)
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POL 094 Distro Service Pack 3
Tuesday, Aug 6, 2002, at 06:28 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
POL 094 Distro Service Pack 3 has been released. The "Distro" is the default script base for POL.

The following changes were made with this service pack:
  • Keys now correctly say whether you locked or unlocked something.
  • Minor fix to stablemaster pens.
  • Books no longer get corrupted under linux.
  • Meditation and spellcasting now check both hands rather than checking one hand twice.
  • Creatures now keep an array of previous tamers to make it harder to macro taming with a partner.
  • Fix to meditation's calculation of increased difficulty from wearing armor.
  • Upgraded guildstone package. Now includes Order/Chaos. Should be backwards compatible.
  • Moved stafflist out of timers package and into its own package. This required modifying scripts/start.src, which called the old version.
  • Fix for incorrect placement of bantiles in large towers.
  • Forensic Eval given some TLC.
  • Tinker traps can only be set on containers.
  • You can no longer gain begging skill by begging yourself of animals.
  • You can no longer gate, recall, or teleport into Green Acres. Destroys runes marked in GA.
  • Fixed a loophole that allowed building in cities. Also, you can't build in GA anymore unless you are staff.
  • If you log in inside a house you neither own nor are friended to, you should be booted outside.
  • You no longer get two motd windows on logging in.
  • Paralyze takes your resist into account for calculating the duration.
  • When you are hit while casting a spell, it checks your wrestling skill and not your hiding skill to see if you lose your concentration.
  • Fixed the background gump picture for the pouches.
  • now correctly checks for Magic Reflection.
  • NPCs using now should restock their bandages.
  • You can no longer prevent someone from casting spells/using skills by not responding to their rez gump.
  • propedit should no longer blow away array props.
  • Spellcasting no longer causes you to lose regs even if you don't have enough mana to cast it.
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POL 095 Test Core Released
Tuesday, Aug 6, 2002, at 06:23 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
A new test core for the POL emulator has been released. (The POL "core" is the server executable, while the "distro" contains the default supporting scriptbase). You can get the latest 095 test core at:

You can use the POL 094 distro as the scriptbase. It is available from the POL home page:

Some of the changes in the latest POL 095 test core:
  • Full Unicode support.
  • User configurable allowable stats on character creation (to support newer clients).
  • Support for item facings 0-100 (mainly for lighting effects, POL used to only support facings 0-31).
  • Added initial support for client fastwalk prevention.
  • Various bugfixes for multis and "reportables".
  • Started groundwork for future packet hook support.
  • Various other fixes and enhancements (see core-changes.txt for details).
Note that test cores are for evaluation and bug testing purposes only (hence the designation "test core"). The dev team does NOT recommend using test cores for functioning shards. Test cores are not officially supported until they are finalized and placed on the POL home page as official releases. All message traffic concerning test cores (bug reports, etc.) should be posted to the pol-core-test group above ONLY.
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POL 093 Core News
Monday, Jul 22, 2002, at 06:39 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
Posted on the POL website:
I just wanted to say a few words about the 093 core.

093 was never meant to be used on live shards. It is a transition core- meant to make it easier to convert your scripts from 092 to 094, and meant to be run in a test environment.

There are a number of known bugs with 093 that exist in neither of 092 or 094. Yes, this is a bit wierd. But it will NOT be fixed- or rather, they ARE fixed, in 094. If you are using 093 as the core for your live server you are highly encouraged to continue your upgrade all the way to 094 and then if you like to the up and coming 095.

Madman Across the Water
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POL Service Pack 2 Released
Monday, Jun 17, 2002, at 09:50 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
Service pack 2 has been released ahead of schedule:
This doesn't mean it doesn't work, just that it's smaller than it might have otherwise been. It contains a fix for an interesting exploit that allowed players to give their characters arbitrary command levels. The exploit requires a fair amount of work from the player's side- it can't be done with just the client. A link to the SP can be found in the files section. Special thanks to zaqwerty_2002 for informing us of the security hole, and to Tharaxis for testing the fix for me.
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Oh, Another Thing...
Wednesday, May 22, 2002, at 06:39 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
POL's site was again updated with the following:
I forgot to mention- I uploaded the 093 core to the pol-announce files section. Links have been added to the files section from this site. It was meant to be released alongside the 094 core and after all the time between the last time I worked with 093 and the actual release, we all just kinda forgot about it. If you are already working with 094, there's no reason to care. For those converting from 092 to 094, it's meant to be a stepping stone core, which works with most of both of 092 and 094, so you can upgrade your scripts piecemeal.
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POL Site Updated
Monday, May 20, 2002, at 06:27 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
The POL Site has been updated:
The Links Page has been given yet another overhaul... This time a couple of the links have been fixed, descriptions updated (no links had to be deleted because the associated websites are now functional, again! woohoo!), a couple of new shard websites have been added and all the links have been updated to open in new windows! If you notice anything else amiss or would like your shard to appear on the Links Page, use the submission link to let us know!
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POL Version 094 Released
Monday, Apr 15, 2002, at 06:39 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
POL 094 CORE and DISTRO have been released. (Thanks for the heads up HellRazor)

From the POL website comes the following:
"The 094 core and distro are finally done and released. I know you've all been waiting an awfully long time- we appreciate your patience. Go hit the Files section and start downloading!

If you want the complete release, core plus distro, there are several ways to get it. Download either of the Complete Server downloads; or download just the core executable and then get the scripts. Both complete downloads and the Core downloads are all currently hosted on Yahoogroups, which has a bad habit of sometimes cutting off downloads, which is why you might want to try getting the smallest download off of yahoogroups and getting the rest from Sourceforge, which is hosting the Scripts.

POL v0.94 has been released. This version of POL completely changes the way skills and stats work in POL. In essence, skills and stats are no longer tied to skill ID's or STR/INT/DEX, which allows skills and stats to be scripted independently. Scripters can script an unlimited number of skills and create new stats with POL 094.

Because of this major change, the entire script base for POL 094 had to be rewritten. The script distribution team took this opportunity to completely rewrite and debug the entire POL 094 script base to create the most bug free and user friendly script base POL has ever had."
Here's the official announcement from the POL-Announce YahooGroup:
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that POL's 094 release is, well, released. It's been a long road, and a lot of work, and most of you have been unspeakably patient with us- for this, we thank you.

Now that this is out, the Distro team plans on a system of "Service Pack" releases to expand the functionality of the distro as we improve it, without waiting for core releases. There will, of course, always be distro releases with each core, but as we find and fix bugs and add features, you will not have to wait until the next core release.

What's new in 094?

Wow. A lot. The skill and stat systems have been ripped out and redone, allowing for incredibly more flexibility. Unfortunately, this means scripts from 092 and before will likely not run on 094- many uo.em functions have vanished, been introduced, or changed. If you are having trouble upgrading your scripts, be sure to read core-changes.txt, and feel free to stop by the POL-Scriptforum and ask questions. Also, you can pay a visit to the POL IRC channel: #pol, at I'll confess I haven't been there as much as I used to be lately, but I'll try to change that.

The distro has been rewritten from the ground up. For this, we have a lot of people to thank, people who tested and coded and posted to pol-distro, but more than anyone else we have Bishop Ebonhand and Michael Branin to thank for the 094 distro. It is the most featureful and solid, bugfree distro that POL has ever seen.

What's coming up?

The 095 core is already being worked on. The primary addition it will have is support for unicode.

Where is it?

This release is a little more complicated than ones in the past as far as downloading the release. The POL website is not currently sitting on a connection that can handle the rush of all of you downloading the new release. As such, the files are living in the pol-announce files section. The problem with this is that yahoogroups has a bad habit of cutting off downloads and then claiming they were completed, leaving you with bad and corrupt zips. So, there are three ways you can download it:

This is the entire release, compiled and ready to go. It is also the largest download, at 4M, and therefore the most likely to have yahoogroups screw it up.

Slightly smaller is:

This is the release, except you will need to compile the scripts once you've downloaded it. This one is 2.8M.


This 969k zip file contains just the core executables. Once you have them, download the rest of the release from SourceForge-

Unzip them both and put them together and you have the same thing as
(1), scripts compiled and everything.

We are working on getting more mirrors up. Check the web site at for updates on that.

I wrote this email before modifying the POL website, but as soon as I have that updated, you can ignore the above info and just go to - I will link from there to the various places from which you can download the files.

Thank you for using POL! If you have trouble getting the files, feel free to email me at; if you have trouble with POL in general, stop in at the pol-scriptforum yahoogroup or the IRC channel."
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POL Website Updated
Monday, Mar 11, 2002, at 06:47 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
POL's Website has been updated. Meanwhile, UOXDEV members debate that their emulator (UOX) is better.

Found on the POL Web Site:
Wonders never cease! After a stupidly long time, the links on this page have been updated and the Links Page is now more up-to-date. :-)

As for core versions, development is still on-going... the team just took a sort-of unannounced "break" over the last few months while the newest cores-to-be (093/094!) were being tested by our dedicated core-test group! ;-)

As always, the latest release cores are still available via the Files link above.

If you want notified when core, distro (script) and documentation "packs" are released (which are now developed as individual "modules") be sure to follow the POL Announce link, above, and subscribe to the YahooGroup mailing list. Syzygy, Madman and myself will post to it when new stuff appears (or when "service packs" are available, in the case of the distro and docs) :-)

Hopefully, the site should be getting updated a weeee bit more often and, time permitting, will be getting its much-deserved face-lift as well! :-D

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POL - Where The Hell Are You?
Friday, Mar 8, 2002, at 07:01 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
I tried to send an EMAIL to the Admins of POL this morning to try and see if anything had been updated on their emulator.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: - unrouteable mail domain ""
Some kind of update would be nice without having to register with the YAHOO groups.

Anyone have some info, please email Infymus.
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POL Updates Site - Pope Realizes Bump In Robe Aint His Cane
Friday, Feb 1, 2002, at 07:06 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
POL is not known for many updates although I've heard mention that a new version was soon to be released. I check the POL web site every day in hopes that something will get posted. Most of the correspondances with POL are done through the YAHOO groups, however, this article was posted on the POL website today:
Look a news item!

I've admitted it before, I make a sucky webmaster. So, this page is moving to a faster connection and getting new, more attentive (I hope) webmasters in Myrathi and Madman Across the Water (and crew). The new address is, so please update your bookmarks! I'd appreciate it if everyone downloads their POL servers from there in the future.

I'd like to remind everyone of where to get help for POL. Firstly, there are the webboards ( where you can get a good bit of help. Most of the discussion and question answering goes on in the POL yahoogroups. Set your web browser to and search for the following group: pol-scriptforum - everyone interested in POL should sign up for this one. If the flood of messages overwhelms you, you can set your subscription to send out one daily mail with all the day's mails inside.

Please don't send questions directly to any of the developers, instead use these forums. - Racalac
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POL v094 Just Around The Corner
Monday, Jan 21, 2002, at 06:37 AM
Filed Under PENULTIMA ONLINE - POL.   -Guid-
I was sent word this weekend that POL v094 is close to being released. Once released I will post the details of the changes.

Meanwhile, here are some links:

The POL scriptforum at:
POL script distribution development forum at:
Mon, Mar 1, 2004:
POL Distro Service Pack 2 Released
Mon, Jul 7, 2003:
Penultima Online Core 095 Released
Mon, Mar 17, 2003:
POL Service Pack - Website Update
Tue, Mar 11, 2003:
Service Pack 4 Released
Mon, Mar 10, 2003:
POL Server Status Utility
Wed, Oct 16, 2002:
POL Updates
Mon, Sep 23, 2002:
POL: NEW Web-boards available
Tue, Aug 6, 2002:
POL 094 Distro Service Pack 3
POL 095 Test Core Released
Mon, Jul 22, 2002:
POL 093 Core News
Mon, Jun 17, 2002:
POL Service Pack 2 Released
Wed, May 22, 2002:
Oh, Another Thing...
Mon, May 20, 2002:
POL Site Updated
Mon, Apr 15, 2002:
POL Version 094 Released
Mon, Mar 11, 2002:
POL Website Updated
Fri, Mar 8, 2002:
POL - Where The Hell Are You?
Fri, Feb 1, 2002:
POL Updates Site - Pope Realizes Bump In Robe Aint His Cane
Mon, Jan 21, 2002:
POL v094 Just Around The Corner
POL v094 Just Around The Corner
  · AC-DOME. (14)
  · ACMAPPY. (1)
  · ACSERVER. (4)
  · ACeXP. (8)
  · ASTONIA. (1)
  · ATUM. (2)
  · AXIS. (16)
  · BASEWORLD. (2)
  · BIG-BROTHER. (9)
  · COADSERVER. (21)
  · COXDEV. (5)
  · DARK AGES. (6)
  · DAWN OF LIGHT. (16)
  · DFN-WARRIOR. (3)
  · EPSILON. (31)
  · EQEMU. (74)
  · EQWINDOW. (6)
  · EVERQUEST. (5)
  · FUNGWAN. (1)
  · FUSE. (3)
  · GMTOOLS. (1)
  · HORIZONS. (1)
  · HYBRID. (23)
  · IGNITION. (9)
  · IMPRINT. (5)
  · INSIDE-UO. (2)
  · IRIS (6)
  · JEDIMAN. (5)
  · KAIRTECH. (4)
  · LIQUIDIZE. (1)
  · LONE-WOLF. (55)
  · LUPUS. (2)
  · METHOD. (6)
  · MODIFY-UO. (2)
  · MY BALLS. (2)
  · NOX-WIZARD. (40)
  · ORBSYDIA. (14)
  · ORE. (1)
  · PAIGELORE. (6)
  · PANDORAS BOX. (20)
  · POSR. (6)
  · RAZOR. (5)
  · RUNUO. (58)
  · RYANDOR. (29)
  · SHIT. (1)
  · SHOW-EQ. (32)
  · SLYCK NEWS. (3)
  · SPHERE. (34)
  · Steam Engine (9)
  · TUPI. (1)
  · UAS. (32)
  · UO-FREE. (4)
  · UO-GATEWAY. (34)
  · UO-INSIDE-OUT. (3)
  · UO-RICE. (3)
  · UOBUILD. (1)
  · UOGENIUS. (4)
  · UOP. (2)
  · UOX-CLASSIC. (40)
  · UOX3-EvilDeD. (43)
  · UOX3.ORG (11)
  · UOXBOX. (31)
  · UOXC:NS (29)
  · UOXDEV - UOX3js. (43)
  · UOXNG. (1)
  · UOXPARK. (16)
  · USE-EMU. (1)
  · USEUO. (5)
  · WEAZY. (4)
  · WOLFPACK. (33)
  · WOLFPAW. (4)
  · WORLD-MAKER. (11)
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