PLEASE NOTE: If you have reached this page from an outside source such as an Internet Search or forum referral, please note that this page (the one you just landed on) is an archive containing articles on "UAS." from a Blogger named Infymus. This website, INFYMUS.COM - is a blog belonging to INFYMUS. Click "MAIN" on the Main Menu to see current blogs.
UAS is an Asheron's Call Emulator.
Total Articles: 32
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UAS Hacked And Down
Monday, Jun 21, 2004, at 06:43 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From Jotu:
The UAS site has unfortunately been hacked and possible completely deleted. Sinde duke hasnt given any of the staff members we can contact at the moment (basically Noc, Karki, Rakiner and I) FTP access to the site I am setting up a temporary forum at until duke is back from air force training and is able to restore the site.
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UAS Updates
Monday, Jun 14, 2004, at 06:34 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From Jotu:
Hey there, gotta make this short on account of I'm on a cruise ship and internet access is hella expensive here, just wanted to point out that UAS has gone open source (finally :-p), you can get the source on the site (
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UAS WebSite Database Restored
Monday, May 3, 2004, at 06:46 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
A couple of days ago, our host,, had severe hardware failures on their hosting servers.

This resulted in them having to restore a backup of theirs of all the websites they host by a week or two.

This also resulted in our website missing a few dozen posts, and alot of new user registrations.

I've finally finished restoring our massive database that I personally backed up a day or two before the failure, so any registrations done before two days ago will have to reregister. I apologize for this inconvienence.

Huh? What? OH! The opensourcing? It's almost ready. Sorry it's taking so long, but it really is coming, and it'll be very soon. Just hold tight! ;)
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UAS Updates
Monday, Apr 19, 2004, at 06:57 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
A couple of days ago, our host,, had severe hardware failures on their hosting servers.

This resulted in them having to restore a backup of theirs of all the websites they host by a week or two. This also resulted in our website missing a few dozen posts, and alot of new user registrations. I've finally finished restoring our massive database that I personally backed up a day or two before the failure, so any registrations done before two days ago will have to reregister. I apologize for this inconvienence.

Huh? What? OH! The opensourcing? It's almost ready. Sorry it's taking so long, but it really is coming, and it'll be very soon. Just hold tight! ;)
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UAS Updates
Tuesday, Mar 23, 2004, at 06:43 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
I have exciting news for all of the developers out there who have been wanting to help out with the process of creating the UAS v1 series (the currently downloadable version).

It is official, that UAS v1 will be open source.

The reason behind our change of heart is this:

We've decided to focus all of our attention on the development of UAS v3.0, and we didn't want to leave everyone in a long state of limbo until we've completed it for public release. We're currently in the process of cleaning up the code, and making it ready for public development. It won't be long, so go buy some Red Bull or equivilant, get your party of coders together, and help as a community to bring UAS into a new stage. ;)

Thank you for your support!
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UAS 1.2 Released
Monday, Mar 1, 2004, at 06:51 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
UAS 1.2 has been released:
The download is back up, enjoy! Also, the new version only works with the January 2004 client AND portal.dat.

UAS 1.2 is now available in the download section. It looks a lot cleaner with it's settings button. Oh yes. Its even got a little help window. Fancy, eh?

Oh and the Status Server Settings? No need to mess with that yet. There's no page for you to check the status anyway. I hear it's right around the corner though so check back every so often. Also, the Max Client thing is just for show. It will not actually limit the ammount of clients that can connect.

UAS 1.2 also adds support for mySQL and MSSQL. If you don't know what those are, don't mess with them :)

Have fun, guys. Stay tuned for v3 and Server Status page updates. :D
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UAS 1.2 Released
Monday, Feb 23, 2004, at 06:46 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
UAS 1.2 has been released. From Unified Architecture Server:
UAS 1.2 is now available in the download section. It looks a lot cleaner with it's settings button. Oh yes. Its even got a little help window. Fancy, eh?

Oh and the Status Server Settings? No need to mess with that yet. There's no page for you to check the status anyway. I hear it's right around the corner though so check back every so often. Also, the Max Client thing is just for show. It will not actually limit the ammount of clients that can connect.

UAS 1.2 also adds support for mySQL and MSSQL. If you don't know what those are, don't mess with them :)

Have fun, guys. Stay tuned for v3 and Server Status page updates. :D
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UAS Updates 04 Client And UAS v1
Monday, Feb 2, 2004, at 07:16 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
The New Client has temporarily broke the UASv1 series Emulators.

This applies to UASv1.0 right upto UASv1.2 (2003 build)

Until a new build is released I would refrain from trying to use the current emulator with the Jan. 2004 patch Client.

UASv1.2 (2004 build) does work with the Jan'04 Client, but due to Protocol changes in the Create Character Packet it will require some code modifications to allow users to create New Characters. This is currently being examined and we hope to have a fix soon.
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UAS Server / Launcher Port Mismatch
Monday, Jan 19, 2004, at 07:41 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
In the current release of UAS there is a port mismatch between our launcher and server software.

When using the UAS server please ensure that the 'Character Server Port:' field in the server window (9002 by default) matches the 'Port:' field in the launcher software (9001 by default (herein lies the mismatch)) .

If these ports do not match you will never be able to connect to your server, or any other server that the ports mismatch on for that matter.

We should be updating the launcher software soon, to make the default ports match, and hopefully a completely new launcher will also be released soon I'm not saying anything definate but there is a new launcher in development by cmos that is much more flexible than our current launcher, though I am unsure when/if it will be released.
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New UAS Users Manual
Monday, Jan 12, 2004, at 07:15 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
New survey is up!

With the UAS Users Manual well near completion i need to know what format you guys would prefer me to distribute it in.

Have fun voting!
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UAS Clarifies Meaning Of "Emulator"
Monday, Dec 22, 2003, at 06:22 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Posted over on UAS:
Clarification of what an Emulator Is and Is Not.

Not to be mean or anything, but after the Turbine Chat it became apparent that some people may not understand what an emulator is.

Jessica asked for definition of an emulator before answering a question and the definition given was incorrect. Zycra posted a correction later on in the chat, but Jessica's answer to the question may have been skewed based on the definition first supplied when clarification was asked for.

The Chat Logs can found at:

Definition from:

3. Computer Science. To imitate the function of (another system), as by modifications to hardware or software that allow the imitating system to accept the same data, execute the same programs, and achieve the same results as the imitated system.

An Asheron's Call Server Emulator is a software program that imitates the Retail AC Servers. Not exactly, perfectly or completely, but An Asheron's Call Client can connect to the Emulator as if it was connecting to a Retail Server.

  • UAS Emulators DO NOT Interact with Retail Servers.
  • UAS Emulators in NO WAY interfere with the Clients internal functions or communications.
  • UAS is not a client replacement.
  • UAS is not a magic box that will grant the user the ability to access new content. It gives you no more information than ACVault does by posting the portal.dat image after each patch. You can view new items, but they are completely out of context and place giving the user no advantages over others like some other programs can and do.
  • UAS is not a static 3D World Viewer. It can be used as such if the user so desires, but is not being developed to be that way.
  • UASv1.1+ do have AI controlled monsters that will attack, chase and kill users. Earlier versions only had PK combat and may have given the impression of only being 3D World Viewers.
Reminder: When connecting to any Emulator (AC/DAoC/EQ/RO/UO/etc) never use your Real login information from your Retail Account.
Unified Architecture Server.
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UAS Delayed
Sunday, Dec 7, 2003, at 10:31 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
Sorry about the delay on the release of, as it's still having any last kinks removed, and the new Access DB is being created.
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UAS Test Released
Friday, Aug 29, 2003, at 06:20 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
UAS Test Released. Visit UAS to see the massive changelog.
The goal of this release is to get as many people using the server as possible, so that any issues with the code can be documented.

The Bug List document will then be worked on until cleared.....sorry but Missing features will not be considered as bugs.

Since the UASv1.1.0.3 will be the end of line for the UASv1 code base, we would like to clean up any serious bugs and as many of the annoying ones as possible. Once this is done it will be tagged as UASv1_stable and unless there is a serious bug, no developement time will be spent on any coding for it.

Further AC Emulator developement will be focused on the New UASv3 server system instead.
Unified Architecture Server.
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Unified Architecture Server Updates
Monday, Aug 25, 2003, at 06:00 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From Unified Architecture Server:
UASv1.1.0.3 Code Updates Forum created to centralize all Code Posts for the UASv1.1.0.3 server.

Note: UASv1.1.0.3 is not the New UASv3 system, but is the old server code base.

This Forum should make it easier for people to tell if a Code/Feature/Bug post is refering to the New system or the Old system.

Code Additions, Changes, Features, Known Bugs, Model List, Command List will be placed here for all users to more easily find. These threads will be updated with the newest items placed at the top.

There will be a seperate 'Update -##/##/##' post when a Code Change has occured to the server.

FYI: The Server in the Download section is only UASv1.1.0.2, UASv1.1.0.3 is not released yet.
Unified Architecture Server
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UAS v1.1.0.3 Nearing Completion
Thursday, Aug 14, 2003, at 06:30 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
UAS v1.1.0.3 is nearing completion. Current UAS v1.1.0.3 Monster Functionality:
  • respawn on death
  • chase their attacker
  • return to spawn point if user out of range
  • predefined stats by default
User Customizable:
  • Stats
  • Corpse Decay time
  • Respawn time
  • Chase range
  • Field of Influence
Unified Architecture Server.
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Karkisuni Responds To Exluminus
Tuesday, Aug 12, 2003, at 06:18 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From Karkisuni:
Exluminus was a cool guy. I liked him a lot. Now I’ve changed my mind.

Exluminus “got the boot” because he did nothing. He never wrote any code for UAS, he never provided anything. He just sat in our IRC room. Why should we keep a person on our team who provides nothing?

He also caused many conflicts in our staff as he has stated. But after each time, he stated he would leave if we wanted him to. Now we finally ask him to leave and he goes insane. Mature? I think not.

Knopp did not kick him off the project. We all did.
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Developer Problems With UAS?
Monday, Aug 11, 2003, at 06:06 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Exluminis sent me the following:
Duke is Knopp's bitch plain and simple.

This post will be the epitome of the level of maturity I should have been kicked for

I got the boot and nobody even had the courtesy to tell me why. Apparently I was not mature enough -- having called Knopp literally "stupid" he ran away because he was offended.

And Knopp had me kicked off the project for maturity? Look at yourselves. He is the one who was immature and couldn't handle being called stupid.

Duke you are just proving that you are going to be his bitch later on when the money gets involved further. Until he contributed his share, you shouldn't have done what he asked. Anyways, you will regret what you have done when I work on other design projects. Apparently nobody here was a real friend. Thanks for the good times. I am thinking of giving away logs of our chats to the rest of the world and let them know how mature we all are. Then they can decide who is mature enough to write an Asheron's Call emulator or even coordinate one.

You kept me when we lost g70mb2 because of something stupid I said. But you can't keep me when we lose the guy who is going to fund our little MMORPG with false hopes. I hope you do get screwed.

Maybe even Knopp would read what we said behind his back and run out of the IRC again. It's really stupid that you put him priorty over somebody who has been around before him.

I am surprised that not everyone was booted if it was a bar of maturity that you were raising for that time.
Unified Architecture Server.
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UAS Changes Names
Monday, Jul 28, 2003, at 05:57 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From Unified AC Server:
UAS is going to officially change it's name to: Unified Architecture Server

The name change is due to UAS's expansive nature. The newest version, 3.0, will allow UAS to be modified for nearly any server-based purpose.

It has been officially announced that when 3.0 is completed, and the open source dynamic link library for the AC game logic UAS 3.0 plugin is released, we will commence production of our own MMORPG.
Unified Architecture Server
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UAS 1.1.02 Released
Monday, Jul 7, 2003, at 06:08 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
UAS Server has been released:
  • Working Lifestones
  • Working Doors
  • @Lifestone Command (Lifestone recall command in Retail)
UAS is an Asheron's Call Server Emulator. UAS Server.
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UAS Admin Plugin
Tuesday, Jun 24, 2003, at 06:04 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From Unified AC Server:
I have been working on a plugin for UAS, I call it "UAS Admin Plugin".

What this plugin does is it allows you to use this decal plugin to have an 'Admin UI' ingame. This will allow easy teleportation to dungeons, coordinates, stat editing (when it is put in the emulator), portal creation, NPC editing and any other thing that I feel might be useful.

More info to come.
Unified AC Server.
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UAS Recruiting
Friday, Apr 18, 2003, at 06:14 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Posted on UAS:
... scarey, eh?

Ever since the founding of UAS, we have almost always politely turned down offers of help, until now. We have been looking at new ways of developing the server, and are looking for a little help.

We are NOT in trouble or desperately in need, for the sake of the server's survival (Just had to say this so ACdome doesn't post false news of our demise). We are simply looking for some fresh minds, positive attitudes, and fresh ideas. It is recommended, however not nessisary, that you are skilled in the following:
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Windows Based TCP/IP Programming (C++)
  • Knowledge of Database Programming (C++)
  • A working version of Microsoft Visual C++ (version 6.0 or .NET)
  • CVS or CVS-like version sharing
  • A desire to work actively as part of a team.
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Unified AC Server Updates
Monday, Apr 14, 2003, at 06:02 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
From UAS:
Hello UAS users and critics alike... The project is still very active, even though public activity and updates have been scarce.

Our current head coder, brandon was in a car accident, and we're awaiting his recooperation and return before we continue development. I have recieved word from him that he is, in fact, getting well soon.

Rewrite of the server has taken a juicey twist. With brandon's addition to the team, we're switching to a MSDOS console program to run the server executable, which has proven to be faster, and tremendously more stable than previous GUI-based servers. It will be Win32, for NT kernal systems only (Sorry if you use 9x/ME, but those OSes are NOT for running servers). With this conversion of code, it might be capable of converting to Linux later on. Details on controlling the server while it's running will be released soon. Expect it to have a GUI like the rewrite screenshots, except that the GUI it'self is just for control, but not the server itself. ;)
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Unified AC Server (UAS) Back Online
Thursday, Mar 20, 2003, at 06:00 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Unified AC Server is finally back online after Duke moved and finally got his T1 installed. From the UAS site:
Since UAS went public, we've had our IRC channel ready for chatting with other UAS users, and to chat with the Devs.

We've made it very easy for users to come chat with us, so take advantage of it and come visit!

At first it might be a bit slow due to small numbers, but as more users join, conversations will be active and more fun!

Under the Server Listing block on the right side of the site, there is the IRC Chat block, which has links for users with or without mIRC. One is for Java chat, which is very simple and only has a very minor installation for Internet Explorer. The other is a direct link for mIRC users to join the server and channel for our chatroom. To get mIRC (Free), go to

Hope to chat with you soon! :)
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UAS Site Down For Now
Thursday, Dec 26, 2002, at 06:01 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
UAS site will be down temporarily. Problems with their mail server kept crashing their OS.

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UAS Updated November Server
Monday, Dec 2, 2002, at 06:10 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Bug Fix build of UAS Server:
Decided to do a bug fix for this months server. (Nov client) (UAS112802.exe)

The fix requires the database to be tweaked to fix everyone's stats so they display properly. All new Characters created will have the proper values set automatically. In the administration screen lower any values set at 65535 or above to less than 65000. As long as the base value has not been altered the combined value should not exceed 65100.

The cause of the problem was the change of a variable from being current value to be increment value. All variables labeled *base hold the value at create time and the bare label now holds the times it has been raised since creation. I have not altered the DB column names to reflect the fix, as it would kill everyone's custom databases.

The admin screen attributes now only displays the increment count and not the actual current value. To ensure that no problems occur, do not set this value above 65000.

I also did a little update to the MOTD, testing so far reveals no known problems with this build.
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UAS Updates
Friday, Nov 22, 2002, at 06:13 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Posted on the UAS website:
We've added a picture gallery for viewing what it's like ingame using UAS (Unified Asheron's Call Server) and to see progress on the new rewrite! It's on the Navigation menu, under Picture Gallery.
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UAS Back Online
Friday, Nov 15, 2002, at 06:04 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
The UAS Server is back online after being down a week or so.
The November Server is now downloadable from the downloads section! Enjoy! Note: Requires November client.
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UAS Development Updates
Wednesday, Nov 6, 2002, at 06:27 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Lunac posted the following over on ACDOME:
Recently I had a short chat with UAS project manger and administrator Duke and he had some interesting information to tell me. First of all and most important the UAS netcode rewrite is 99.99% complete and work on general UAS framework is starting. Also, it was confirmed that they are aiming for 2002 release if possible. On a more minor note, UAS development team has switched back to C++ from C#, I guess to speed up overall development process. All of this is great news!

BTW, UAS website seems to be down and experiencing some technical difficulties. But I was informed that it should be back online very soon.
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UAS Rewrite?
Wednesday, Oct 23, 2002, at 06:02 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Lunac posted the following over on ACDOME:
Most of you probably know UAS has been updated for October. Also, the UAS rewrite might take longer than expected. I had acquired certain information but wasn't sure of its "accuracy" until recently. It was confirmed today that UAS is undergoing a complete rewrite. Not an 'object code' rewrite as stated before, but a rewrite as in "starting from scratch". Brand new emu from ground up. Apparently UAS team has found the old ACE code too difficult to deal with and have decided it might be easier to just create/code a new emu from ground up. This might be good or bad ...we will find out soon either way ..or not. It might take UAS team many more weeks or even months to produce a brand new Emu. (Emu of same quality as current UAS build). I just hope for the best and wish the UAS team all the luck.
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UAS & 1.0.92 Released
Monday, Oct 7, 2002, at 06:01 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
This server has mulitple bug fixes including fixing the wield problem with the !weapon command.
UAS Feature List (October 4th, 2002)

Current Commands:
!telemap - Teleport via coordinates
!help setmodel (!setmodel # to change model)
!gotochar name
!sendchar name coordinates
!returnchar name

Current Features:
Combat: Rudimentary melee.
NPK and PK Altars
Changeable Models
Changable NPC Models
NPC Text Editing
Portal System
Seperate Accounts
Changable Attributes (database only ATM)

Note: Current object code being worked on will allow the following:
/create melee_weapon
/create missle_weapon
/create magic_weapon
/create scroll
/create mana_stone
/create armor
/create key
/create book
/create food
/create misc
/create clothing

Current ETA on Object Code completion: 2 Weeks(?)

It will also allow the use of the melee weapons, missle weapons, magic weapons, armor and clothing.

From this, we will be able to populate the world to be more filled with Monsters, NPCs, Portals, Items, and all the other stuff. :)

After the Object Code:
NPC and Monster Scripting
XP System
Assess System
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UAS Server Binary Released
Friday, Oct 4, 2002, at 06:20 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Posted on the UAS Website:
The UAS Server Binary is now up for download in the Download section!

To download this you must be registered with the website.

Additional Info:
Client: September
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UAS: Unified Asheron's Call Emulator
Monday, Sep 30, 2002, at 06:14 AM
Filed Under UAS.   -Guid-
Lunac from over at ACDOME sent me the following concerning a new Asheron's Call Emulator:
Yep, UAS project is alive and kicking! :) Unified effort to create a fully functional AC emulator is still ongoing. I have been following the UAS progress and path for quite some time, especially the past 3 weeks or so, but did not want to report or post anything, since all of us in AC-emu community have had our share of false starts and elaborate promises. But it seems that UAS staff is serious and dedicated to the 'task' and there might be some hope in AC-emu community after all. Current UAS staff is composed of old members of ACS ... precisely Akilla, also uber-coder and creator of BSAE himself BlackStaff aka G70mb2, plus many other new and old names from AC-emu community. More info on UAS team/staff members can be found at the official UAS website Note that UAS is actually the old BSAE project (which was based on the ACE project/code) Currently the site is undergoing repairs/upgrades so I cant guarantee anything. They haven't made any public releases or made any deadlines..yet. They do have a test server online.. most of the time, but I haven't had a chance to try it out ...yet.

I myself as I said before, left this project in late April and have nothing do with it, nor I wish it. I do not have the time, resources, or any particular reason for any involvement. ACdome was created in December 2001 as a news and information reporting tool for the AC-emu community. Somewhere along the line early this year things got screwed up and affiliations, alliances and "wars" were created and started. I will not make the same mistake again. ACdome is the oldest ... make that THE only News website of its kind in AC-community, and I repeat, ACS, UAS(BSAE), or any other AC-emu project out there are not in any way affiliated with ACdome. On another note, although this has not been fully confirmed, but from what I have heard UAS(BSAE) project has the official blessing of Microsoft and Turbine Games to develop their emulator as long as certain conditions are met. If this is true then certainly there is some light in the dark. :)
One cool thing is that they have the Asheron's Call CLIENT available for download off their site and they are running a test server. So if you have ever been interested in walking around in an AC world, give this a look.

UAS Asheron's Call Emulator:
Mon, Jun 21, 2004:
UAS Hacked And Down
Mon, Jun 14, 2004:
UAS Updates
Mon, May 3, 2004:
UAS WebSite Database Restored
Mon, Apr 19, 2004:
UAS Updates
Tue, Mar 23, 2004:
UAS Updates
Mon, Mar 1, 2004:
UAS 1.2 Released
Mon, Feb 23, 2004:
UAS 1.2 Released
Mon, Feb 2, 2004:
UAS Updates 04 Client And UAS v1
Mon, Jan 19, 2004:
UAS Server / Launcher Port Mismatch
Mon, Jan 12, 2004:
New UAS Users Manual
Mon, Dec 22, 2003:
UAS Clarifies Meaning Of "Emulator"
Sun, Dec 7, 2003:
UAS Delayed
Fri, Aug 29, 2003:
UAS Test Released
Mon, Aug 25, 2003:
Unified Architecture Server Updates
Thu, Aug 14, 2003:
UAS v1.1.0.3 Nearing Completion
Tue, Aug 12, 2003:
Karkisuni Responds To Exluminus
Mon, Aug 11, 2003:
Developer Problems With UAS?
Mon, Jul 28, 2003:
UAS Changes Names
Mon, Jul 7, 2003:
UAS 1.1.02 Released
Tue, Jun 24, 2003:
UAS Admin Plugin
Fri, Apr 18, 2003:
UAS Recruiting
Mon, Apr 14, 2003:
Unified AC Server Updates
Thu, Mar 20, 2003:
Unified AC Server (UAS) Back Online
Thu, Dec 26, 2002:
UAS Site Down For Now
Mon, Dec 2, 2002:
UAS Updated November Server
Fri, Nov 22, 2002:
UAS Updates
Fri, Nov 15, 2002:
UAS Back Online
Wed, Nov 6, 2002:
UAS Development Updates
Wed, Oct 23, 2002:
UAS Rewrite?
Mon, Oct 7, 2002:
UAS & 1.0.92 Released
Fri, Oct 4, 2002:
UAS Server Binary Released
Mon, Sep 30, 2002:
UAS: Unified Asheron's Call Emulator
UAS: Unified Asheron's Call Emulator
  · AC-DOME. (14)
  · ACMAPPY. (1)
  · ACSERVER. (4)
  · ACeXP. (8)
  · ASTONIA. (1)
  · ATUM. (2)
  · AXIS. (16)
  · BASEWORLD. (2)
  · BIG-BROTHER. (9)
  · COADSERVER. (21)
  · COXDEV. (5)
  · DARK AGES. (6)
  · DAWN OF LIGHT. (16)
  · DFN-WARRIOR. (3)
  · EPSILON. (31)
  · EQEMU. (74)
  · EQWINDOW. (6)
  · EVERQUEST. (5)
  · FUNGWAN. (1)
  · FUSE. (3)
  · GMTOOLS. (1)
  · HORIZONS. (1)
  · HYBRID. (23)
  · IGNITION. (9)
  · IMPRINT. (5)
  · INSIDE-UO. (2)
  · IRIS (6)
  · JEDIMAN. (5)
  · KAIRTECH. (4)
  · LIQUIDIZE. (1)
  · LONE-WOLF. (55)
  · LUPUS. (2)
  · METHOD. (6)
  · MODIFY-UO. (2)
  · MY BALLS. (2)
  · NOX-WIZARD. (40)
  · ORBSYDIA. (14)
  · ORE. (1)
  · PAIGELORE. (6)
  · PANDORAS BOX. (20)
  · POSR. (6)
  · RAZOR. (5)
  · RUNUO. (58)
  · RYANDOR. (29)
  · SHIT. (1)
  · SHOW-EQ. (32)
  · SLYCK NEWS. (3)
  · SPHERE. (34)
  · Steam Engine (9)
  · TUPI. (1)
  · UAS. (32)
  · UO-FREE. (4)
  · UO-GATEWAY. (34)
  · UO-INSIDE-OUT. (3)
  · UO-RICE. (3)
  · UOBUILD. (1)
  · UOGENIUS. (4)
  · UOP. (2)
  · UOX-CLASSIC. (40)
  · UOX3-EvilDeD. (43)
  · UOX3.ORG (11)
  · UOXBOX. (31)
  · UOXC:NS (29)
  · UOXDEV - UOX3js. (43)
  · UOXNG. (1)
  · UOXPARK. (16)
  · USE-EMU. (1)
  · USEUO. (5)
  · WEAZY. (4)
  · WOLFPACK. (33)
  · WOLFPAW. (4)
  · WORLD-MAKER. (11)
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